Bern city and Barbecue - 29.07.2019

Time to go!
Prêles's Funiculaire 

Today we got up early to take the train to Berne. We played "Mr X" there. Unfortunately the cool group finally found him, not us. We have also seen the bears of Berne having a picknique close to their place. Then we went for a walk at the river Aare. Afterwards we went for shopping for two hours. And finally we returned to the camp: that meant taking two trains and one funiculaire. In the evening we had a campfire, played soccer and volleyball, sang at the fireplace and talked. 
We arrived to Bern

Heute sind wir früh aufgestanden, um mit dem Zug nach Bern zu fahren. Dort haben wir eine Schnitzeljagd nach "Mr. X" gemacht. Leider hat ihn die coole Gruppe gefunden, nicht wir. Wir haben auch den Bärengraben gesehen (und dort gepicknickt) und sind entlang der Aare spazieren gegangen. Danach hatten wir zwei Stunden Zeit zum shoppen. Und schließlich ging es wieder ins Camp: das bedeutete zwei Züge und eine Seilbahn fahren. Am Abend gingen wir grillen, haben Fußball und Volleyball gespielt, am Feuer gesungen und geredet. 
Grüße von Vera

Shopping time

The leaders established rules for the 2 hours shoping. The children had the chance to spend 2 hours where ever they decided to go in groups of 3 or 5. However they could not go pass McDonalds. Each kid had to come back at 4 p.m. They could not go alone, so they went with there groups. Some children bought candy or clothers, others just explored the places. Then they went to the train and back home we had a camp fire and soccer, futbol, baseball, fresbee and play. Then we ate next to the fire singing or telling stories to each other. After that we went back home. 

Group picture with Steve the mascote

Barbecue and camp fire time

The kitchen is marvallous! Thanks to Oli and Andri everyone likes eating soooo much. While we were in Berne, the kitchen team prepared many salads and Klöpfer (sausages) to be grilled in the forest near the house. Chocolate-bananas for desert - Could you imagine? The weather was always perfect for the indoor and outdoor programme. So everyone is in good shape! 
Guess, who won the soccer match Switzerland against Abroad-Switzerlands? Of course your kids won! 
Greetings from Salome

Schoki Bananas
Football game
Zündhölzli song



  1. These are such wonderful news and photos! Thanks a million for sharing! <3 Have lots and lots of fun all of you! Sandro!! We miss you and send you a truckload of love <3


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