
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2019

30.07.2019 - Our first hike together & a great talent show

Ready to go for a "small hike" Yesterday we travelled to Biel and we went hiking there. It was really difficult but we made a lot of breaks. When we arrived home we did a talent show, it was really funny.  Nico Break time We begin to feel our legs... Yesterday I got hicked out of the bed with loud actually good music ( the leaders are so mean ;) Breakfast was « caught caught » good.  After filling my belly we had to make sandwiches to bring with us for the hike planed. About the hike…well there is nothing much to say  then : my legs died. So I was in the « slow » group and we came 30 minutes later than the « fast group ». After having showers we had dinner. But we had also to do the chorses after dinner.  After cleaning we had a talent show and I have to say everyone has ver « interesting » talents. Then we HAD to clean our rooms and go to sleep. The End Jasmin The Queen ...

Bern city and Barbecue - 29.07.2019

Time to go! Prêles's Funiculaire  Today we got up early to take the train to Berne. We played "Mr X" there. Unfortunately the cool group finally found him, not us. We have also seen the bears of Berne having a picknique close to their place. Then we went for a walk at the river Aare. Afterwards we went for shopping for two hours. And finally we returned to the camp: that meant taking two trains and one funiculaire. In the evening we had a campfire, played soccer and volleyball, sang at the fireplace and talked.  Camila We arrived to Bern Heute sind wir früh aufgestanden, um mit dem Zug nach Bern zu fahren. Dort haben wir eine Schnitzeljagd nach "Mr. X" gemacht. Leider hat ihn die coole Gruppe gefunden, nicht wir. Wir haben auch den Bärengraben gesehen (und dort gepicknickt) und sind entlang der Aare spazieren gegangen. Danach hatten wir zwei Stunden Zeit zum shoppen. Und schließlich ging es wieder ins Camp: das bedeutete zwei Züge...

Second day at the camp - workshops began - 28.07.2019

Musical Workshop's at the morning Wir haben heute Musik-Workshops gemacht, z.B. singen, tanzen und Bodypercussion. Ich habe Bodypercussion genommen, weil ich es mal ausprobieren wollte. Da macht man verschiedene Geräusche mit dem Körper. Es macht sehr viel Spaß. Das Einzigste, das uns gestört hat, war, dass wir zu wenig geschlafen haben! Am Nachmittag sind wir in den Wald gegangen und haben Spiele gemacht und dann Sachen sammeln müssen, wie z.B. Stöcke, Steine, usw, was man halt so alles findet. Dann sind wir damit zurück zum Haus gekommen und "mussten" damit Instrumente gebaut.  Liebe Grüße, Jessi  Natural Instruments construction:  We did musical instuments and painted them. Afterwards we let them dry that same night and decided to do a casino event were you could win, bet or even spend play money. The winners got a drink and cake. Those ones with over 5000 dollars bought cake and drinks for the other poorer ones.  Patrick...

Arriving at the camp - 27.07.2019

We met up in the airport. Many people did not come to the airport and so arrived at the camp itself. In the airport we got our name-tags. We were given stamps depending on which languages we spoke. When everyone has arrived at camp we had some free time to explore the camp. We played some indoors games and got to knew people better, after that we went into field and played burn ball and another fun game. Me and my friends played UNO for 30 minutes, then we went to sleep. In the indoor games  we had to write facts about ourselves and if there were similar to the others facts we got a bingo and then we got some sweets ! Samuel We came to the camp, and started off with a name-game. After, we had freetime and then sports. Free time was for making your beds and setting up for the two upcoming weeks. We did sports for our last activity. The sports included two games: the first game was every man for himself : dogeball. The second game was like basebal...