
8th of august - Tiding up, pasta party & disco!

Gestern war der letzte Lagertatg. Deswegen hiess es: aufräumen! Wir wurden in Gruppen aufgeteilt und es war immer eine Gruppe unten und hat mit Oliver Nudeln gemacht, während die anderen Gruppen einen Raum sowie ihren Raum putzen mussten und Koffer packten. Dann hatten wir viel Freizeit. Schliesslich bekamen wir die Camp-Postkarten und im Anschlluss daran durften wir Nachsichten an die Campteilnehmer/ leiter schreiben und die jeweiligen Briefumschläge stecken.  Am Abend haben wir dann noch eine Disco und es gab Eis. Es war ein sehr schöner Tag. Nele Ayer nos levantamos y fuimos todos a desayunar, en ese momento nos dijeron que íbamos a hacer pasta pero antes teníamos que hacer las tareas.  A cada uno nos dijeron de hacer algo de la casa. Cuando terminamos fuimos a hacer la pasta media hora después nos fuimos a comer. Cuando terminamos nos dieron papeles a cada uno y tuvimos que escribir cosas a cada uno de nuestros compañeros. Mas adelante nos pre...

7th of august - Swiss sports & the final concert!!!!

Yesterday we had a concert and I thought it was fun. At the begining people were singing Hallelujah, country roads and my favorite: all of me. Then there was dancing where I had to rap too. To be honest my favorite thing to do was to play the drums for Susan.  Alex Gestern sind wir um 7h45 Uhr aufgewacht und hatten Früstuck 15 minuten später. Wir haben mit einer Probe angefangen. Wir hatten Mittagessen um 13 Uhr. Nachdem hatten wir die Auswahl zwischen Sport und Dekorieren. Ich habe sport gewählt. Wir hatten Schwingen und Fussball. Das Konzert hat um 18h angefangen. Wir hatten alle sehr viel Spass.  Susan Yesterday we had a lot of fun. To start off the day we woke up, then we had breakfast. We hung out for a bit then it was time for our show. Oh and we also had lunch. We did a bit of Sports before the show and then we got back to take a shower. Our parents started to come around 6 and then we had the show. The show went great and every...

6th of august - Olympic games, general rehearsal & special rap workshop

Gestern wurden die meisten Leute vom Donner aufgeweckt. Deshalb lagen fast alle halb wach im Bett als die Leiter uns wecken wollten. Frühstück war gut wie jeden morgen. Nach dem Frühstück mussten wir uns umziehen weil die Leiter ein Olympiadespielturnier veranstaltet haben. (I’m bored) Wir sind losgegangen als die Sonne wieder schien. Es gab: Weitfurf, 100m Lauf Tischtennis und Weitsprung. Hört sich eigentlich toll an, aber wenn man kein Talent für Sport hat dann… tja… Jedenfalls nach dem Turnier, also Finale, haben wir Fussball gespielt, wo ich, die Queen, natürlich die absolut beste Spielerin war. *hust hust* Zum Glück hat’s dann wieder angefangen zu regnen (danke Gott!) Viele sind zurück gerannt. Weil sie den Regen nicht mochten?! Als wir ankamen wurden die „Medallien“ ausgeteilt mit Süssigkeiten. Nach Mittagessen und Abendessen kam Albins guter Freund, also ein Raper und Lehrer. Wir haben ein bisschen Geschichte von Rap gemacht, dann haben wir EIN RAP-BATTLE GEMACHT!!!...

5th of august - trip to Petersinsle & a small music workshop

We woke up pretty early to go to the lake. We took a boat and walked for about an hour.  We arrived in Erlach just in time for lunch. Then we went for a swim in groups but the ground had this weird goosey feeling. It felt pretty interesting.  Then everybody got some fries and ice-creams and we played ping-pong and volleyball or just lay on the beach.  We took the way to go home, had macaroni and cheese for dinner, did music workshops, so we could practise for the concert. Finally we got to bed. Jessie & Vera We woke up at 7h00 am ate breakfast as usual, we packed our bags for a walk to go to the lake. We went by train, boat and then we went through a big forest, it was a long walk to get to the lake and there we had lunch, we also played ping pong for about 10 minutes. Then we put our swim suit on and went swiming for 15 minutes, then we put our clothes back on and went for water. After that we picked our bags and left....

4th of august: roap park & karaoke

Yesterday was a quite fun and nice day.  We woke up around 9:00 am and had brunch. Then we left the house around 11 am and took a few trains to get to the rope course.  We were there all day.  We first got instructions on what to do if you need help and how to put on our saftey harnes. Then the exitment began. We swang, we jumped, we flew down ziplines...it was very exiting and I enjoyed the rope course.  Afterwords we headed back to the camp.  When we got back,  we had dinner which was rice, curry, and fruit.  Next we signed up for kareoke night which was one of my most favorite nights so far.  It was so nice to see people sing along to the song that was put on and the laughter of everyone.  At last we had dessert.  We had  banana shake or smoothie and some fruit, then we headed to bed.  That night i slept was one of the most peaceful and relaxing nights in a long time. Craven Yester...

Some rap, music workshops and the Lakelive festival

Weaking up at the camphouse a bit later than usual with a great sun! Yesterday we woke up late because the day before it was the swiss version of 4 th of July. We woke up at 9:15. Yesterday we also went to a concert. It was a huge festival and there were a lot of people there so made groups and stayed with them. We stayed at the concert for about 15 minutes and then we left to do whatever we wanted. My group met with many other people and went on a high jump. We went shopping after and then left.  Kassra Yesterday we woke up later than usual, which was at 9:15! I woke up earlier with most of my roommates. We then did some rap workshop. I picked the bad workshop for the rap workshop. After that we went out into a field and could pick between football or volleyball. Then we played another game where the person at the back had to guide the team by tapping. After that we did workshops for the concert and then we had dinner. We had some free time, but after ...